The Simple Formula To Reach All of Your 2021 Goals
‘Tis the season for annual planning! What goals are you setting for yourself and your business in 2021? While you are focusing on ending the year strong and having a successful holiday season, it is important to take a breath and begin to strategize for 2021. What will you do differently? How can you be more prepared? And most importantly, how can you turn your dreams and desires into actionable, measurable steps that will lead you to greater success next year?
What if I told you the key toachieving your goals lies in this simple formula, BE x DO = HAVE.
This recipe for success isthe single most powerful (and least expensive) method of elevating your desire,passion, and connection needed to achieve both your short-term and long-termgoals. The power of this formula lies in the alignment of values, simplehonesty and commitment. You already have it in you to achieve your greatestgoals, and this formula will help to get you there!
Be x Do = Have is a universalalgorithm that will help you achieve both your business and personal goals. Itwill help you create the focus and clarity you need for your desired results –for your career, your team, your family, your health, etc.
There are only three simple rules when it comes to using this formula:
Your goals must align with what you value. If your goals are not congruent with your values, chances are you’ll achieve a whole lot and never find true, lasting happiness!
You must be honest with yourself. This formula will have you evaluating yourself and changes you need to make in order to reach your goals. It’s time to get truthful with yourself about what has been holding you back from achieving your goals and desires.
Your goals must be S.M.A.R.T. Be sure your goal you’re trying to accomplish is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.
Just because the algorithm issimple, doesn’t mean using it to achieve your goals will be easy. But,following it will all but guarantee great success!
How to use the formula for your own goals:
First, decide what you wishto “HAVE” in the future. The method works for both what you want in theimmediate future, in the next 12 months, or even longer-term goals of what youwant to accomplish years down the line. Your “HAVEs” can include anything youwant in life, as long as they fit the rules highlighted above. Be sure your “HAVE”is something you truly want – keep in mind that you will need to change youractions and mindset in order to achieve it!
Some examples of “HAVEs” are:
To achieve $X in Net Profit in 2021.
To reduce my working hours to 35 hours per week by the end of 2021.
To have a team of 7 people by October 31st.
To lose 20 lbs. by June 30th.
Next, define the “DOs”that are required to deliver your “HAVEs.” What actions need to take place inorder to achieve your goals? For example, if your goal is to reach $X amount insales in a year, how much in sales do you need to make per month? How many meetingsdo you need to set per week to reach your monthly sales goal? Then, how manyphone calls do you need to make per day to set those meetings in order to reachyour monthly sales goal that will lead you to your annual sales goal? Again, besure to be specific, actionable and definable.
Some other examples of “DOs”are:
Create an inventory system to minimize waste.
Increase pricing by 5% across the board.
Create a default diary and have a business coach holdme accountable.
Begin working with a personal trainer in January.
Lastly, identify who and whatyou must “BE,” to be able to “DO” the things you need to do, to obtainwhat you want to “HAVE.” What mindset or character traits do you need toembrace in order to achieve your “HAVE?” What inner beliefs and values do youneed to develop so you can sustain success once you reach your goal? Adjust howyou behave, think and act in order to get achieve your results.
Some examples of “BEs” are:
I need to BE committed to investing the time, money and training it will take to implement the system needed to monitor inventory levels.
I need to BE the leader of my team – willing to invest in the mentoring and training that I need to accomplish our goals in 2021. I recognize that the change we need starts with me.
I need to BE willing to delegate to others, to build trust with my team and allow them to grow and develop.
I need to BE dedicated to my own personal growth and development. I need to make myself a priority.